♫♪  djjd sports - “bath 1”

In a recent cover-piece, Archy Marshall (a.k.a. djjd sports, a.k.a. King Krule) mentioned that one of the best parts of his current living situation is being able to make beats in the bath. Though Marshall released a similar 10-minute-plus, low-key instrumental viber entitled “batch 1” three months ago, his latest “bath 1” feels more than a clever removal of the c. I digress: a few days ago, the beloved King Krule recently dropped a 12-and-a-half minute mix of experimental instrumental hip-hop: “bath 1”. The mix(tape) amplifies Marshall’s brilliant musical aptitude, expanding his jazzy-rock swoons to transcendentally smokey hip-hop. “bath 1” smells really dank; I fuck with his lifestyle, so to speak.

• djjd sports: https://soundcloud.com/djjdsports

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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