♫♪  Life Sim - This Life

PC Music is the best thing that’s ever happened to music, objectively speaking. And the label — who some of us have objectively fallen in love with — has just released a new mix. This one’s by Life Sim, titled This Life, and it follows last year’s All Life mix. Without being influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice — that is, based purely on external facts, independent of how I feel or what might effect me on a personal level — I can say that this mix is [REALLY GOOD, AND THAT I WANT LIFE SIM IN MY BODY, LIKE, ~LITERALLY~ IN MY BODY SO I CAN BECOME LIFE SIM AND MAKE MUSIC THIS BOUNCY AND WEIRD AND PRETTY ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT. ACTUALLY, IT’D BE REALLY COOL IF ALL I HAD TO DO WAS SIT RIGHT NEXT TO LIFE SIM BEFORE OUR BODY PARTS WOULD BLEND INTO EACH OTHER AND WE’D BE THIS LIKE WEIRD MUTANT THING FOR AWHILE UNTIL WE FULLY SUBSUMED ONE ANOTHER, MAKING IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR US TO BE IDENTIFIED BY ANY CONVENTIONAL MEASURES — LIKE, FACIAL RECOGNITION TECHNOLOGY WOULD JUST BLOW UP AT THE SIGHT OF US AND THOSE THUMBPRINT LOCKS ON SELECT LAPTOPS WOULD JUST MELT AT OUR TOUCH!!!]

Anyone have Life Sim’s address?

• Life Sim: https://soundcloud.com/lifesim
• PC Music: http://pcmusic.info
This Life: http://thislife.pcmusic.info

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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