♫♪  Metome - “Vermont”

Recently, I was at the closing party for an art show in Manhattan. The party included music performances and readings and there was a person dressed up as clown that did a karaoke-style cover of a pop song that I can’t remember. I performed last and played some mp3s off of my computer.

Once that was over, my friend Marc asked if he should put music on and I said yes and he plugged in his phone as I unplugged my computer and put on “Love Story” by Freestyle Man and immediately everyone was dancing. Post release. I walked to the back of the gallery, which was this kind of studio apartment in a window-heavy building in the sky, to put my computer away and people were dancing back there, too.

Unstoppable. Everyone thought I had begun deejaying the party but I hadn’t. I wish I had. If I had I would have put on “Vermont” by Metome. Who’s dancing in Vermont? Hmm. Who’s dancing in Osaka? Everyone. What with Metome. What with the city splashing into the River and bouncing away into the Bay.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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