♫♪  #postbae - Spiritual Crisis

#postbae (a.k.a. Jónó Mí Ló) is having a Spiritual Crisis. But I’m personally enjoying his current #postbae venture on Twitter right now. It’s mostly just a recital of anecdotes from the post-modern single human. And even though I personally got hitched in October, #postbae still sometimes hits close to home, whether it’s for the vicarious nature of Jono’s travels across America or feeling for the man in terms of how music is conveyed through his specific aesthetics. I’ve also been collecting TONS of mixes this year, so Spiritual Crisis fits right in that folder of mayhem and pure self indulgence. It’s important to mention, tho, that #postbae is 100% unselfish material, both literally and sonically. Spiritual Crisis audibly sounds like melting enjoyment, but the melt is equally as artistic and brooding as the eternal single life within 21st century USA. Not to mention the transcendence of self that #postbae establishes involving Jono’s internet personality versus his genuine kindness IRL. He’s the only person I’ve ever met for the first time in Brooklyn that hugged me, purely out of excitement to finally meet, and this has instilled and impression on me that’ll never wear itself out. Thus, it’s an honor #postbae dropped Spiritual Crisis for our listening enjoyment. Let’s all feel it:

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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