♫♪  PrismCorp Virtual Enterprises - Home™ / ClearSkies™

PrismCorp Virtual Enterprises, an “applied genetics” corporation from Hong Kong (and also the umbrella entity for subsidiaries Macintosh Plus, 情報デスクVIRTUAL, Laserdisc Visions, Fuji Grid TV, Sacred Tapestry, and more), has just unveiled its first project under its own name. Unsurprisingly, it’s PrismCorp’s grandest statement yet: a two-album suite called Home™ and ClearSkies™. If last year’s album by 情報デスクVIRTUAL could be considered bold for the extremely minimal editing of its source material, then what could be made of these albums, which feature even less artistic manipulation?

Throughout the 39 tracks — yes, this is yet another endurance test — PrismCorp takes the bland sounds of resort music MIDI jams and keyboard demo sequences and drags them into an aesthetic domain. But not kicking and screaming: these tracks are harmless, no matter what the context. What changes, however, is the audience’s perceptions. This is simulacrum, with no apparent “substance” to be found in both the original and the recontxtualized, unless that substance is the packaged escapism and dollar-bin emotions designed specifically for the spa goers, wellness seekers, and luxury elite. What’s left, then, is a feeling of vacancy, utility folding under a seemingly indifferent/anti-aesthetic hand, where even our homes and the clear skies are designated as mere goods for PrismCorp’s virtual product line, our emotions pre-determined, tailored, and ultimately manipulated without our knowing. Welcome Home™.



Home™ and ClearSkies™ are out now on Beer On The Rug. Several videos, including tracks that weren’t released on either album, can be found at PrismCorp’s YouTube channel.

• PrismCorp Virtual Enterprises: http://newdreamsltd.tumblr.com
• Beer On The Rug: http://beerontherug.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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