♫♪  Throbbing Chakra - Megabrain Kluster

That moment your third eye connects with the devil and the feeling of a Throbbing Chakra comes bolting down your spine. In a Megabrain Kluster of psyche-crashing multitudes, the seer of evil penetrates where one’s spine meets the skull, and paralysis courses like a venom, through.

The “Orb” ascending from it’s venue outward, resonating and pinging against sound, looking wounded, but really it’s wisdom heaving the weight of memory back down to familiar land. It’ll never quit be the same, but there had to’ve been a quest worthy enough.

In ritual celebration of disorder, “Trust Punk” become the anthem of new-world anarchy. Fists flaring off like machine guns clip shitting into the sky. War paint by way of ink, blood and sweat smearing the shoulder-to-shoulder, standing-room only hot-box of philosophical atonement.

Yet, it’s when everyone is settling for the night when “Creeping The Moon” becomes an activity in mind-expansion. Baring all it’s good to the shift in Earth, the moon tells all in terms of self, gravitating along with the polarities of waves and werewolves. And tares happen.

Throbbing Chakra’s newest three singles are burning in a Megabrain Kluster and are just begging for the repeat button. Feel the darkness:

• Throbbing Chakra: http://throbbingchakra1.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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