♫♪  Future Museums - “Tether”

museum boys

Feeling “tuned in” to the world and continuous —above all— of the surface noise around you; you’ve been driving aimlessly through the countryside for days, trying to give yourself some clues on how to tap into that golden-edged serenity: a faraway field can touch you with without igniting your hay fever; you can be like the first striking edges of a human face appearing out of dense fog. Your psychedelic drones of choice hone in on underlying motifs and sensations by repeating and exploring simple movements. They work like a metal detector for your destiny’s RFID. All the while, you’re riding the sonic waves.

Future Museums is serious about harmonizing with the frequency of ceaseless, infinite Earth; chasing strings of desire to the farthest corners of the continent; exploring the introspective engagement with the self that comes after showerless days at a campsite on the side of the highway. They’ve been releasing limited edition albums of sunny psychedelia since 2010. To prove it, they band will be crossing America’s perennial sea of hypnagogic green — Hot Springs, Savannah, Charleston, and Asheville — the silk road of Southern sound poets and dreamers. The video for “Tether” is…

For inspiration on running away from home, try Mercury White Borneo, available for pre-order at Fire Talk Records.

Tour Dates:
13th- Hot Springs, AR @ The Exchange
14th- Athens, GA @ Go Bar
15th- Savannah, GA @ The Erasery
16th- Charleston, SC @ The Tin Roof
18th- Richmond, VA @ Gallery 5
19th- Baltimore, MD @ The Crown
20th- Philadelphia, PA @ Kung Fu Neck Tie
21st- NYC @ Fire Talk Release Show
22nd- NYC @ Alphaville
23rd- NYC @ Cake Shop
24th- Providence, RI @ Psychic Readings
25th- Boston, MA @ Zuzu
26th- Washington, DC @ The Velvet Lounge
27th- Asheville, NC @ The Mothlight
28th- Birmingham, AL @ The Firehouse

• Future Museums: https://futuremuseums.bandcamp.com
• Fire Talk Records: http://firetalkrecs.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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