♫♪  Gaffe of a Lifetime / God’s Drugs / Lonefront - Mansa, and the Far End of the Death Spectrum / Loaded / Cimilada Qaxootiga

MJ MJ Records has had this Winter 2017 batch in the works for a minute now, but the timing couldn’t have been better. So without further ado — actually, Ima a do an info drop that y’all can purchase tapes individually or in the batch order, but whatever: you-do-you (b/c digital availability is sometimes the best way to go, and this is also offered) — may the play buttons click:

Gaffe of a LifetimeMansa, and the Far End of the Death Spectrum

Trapped in a dimension of post-future, vaporwave-only club music, “Google Malaise” — the company’s self-owned country because capitalism is nigh — in a Gaffe of a Lifetime. Yes, at all hours of the day with holographic currency to buy haze-brimming alcohol infused air cocktails one inhales through a martini glass or Pimm’s cub or goblet; what-have-you. Iridescent hair and tattoos. Eyelid piercings. Aquarium dance floors. A revolving door that keeps you within a perpetual mood of purity. Take the trip to “Google Malaise.” Believe in your existence. Guided by Gaffe of a Lifetime:

God’s DrugsLoaded

Searing in from the back of your skull is God’s Drugs, crackling at the core, base of the spine, shooting up and throughout your discs and ribs, postulating cheek nerves, eyes bursting in color. You’re Loaded, maaaaate. Gloss the sauce in every time champion is challenged, and all that nonsense. Just ride this one out. Those aren’t seizures as much as it is a borderline overdose: hang on. This, bite down on this. Wait until they close the door. It’s a vampire ALSO on God’s Drugs. Mistakenly, y’all make out WAY too hard because y’all both Loaded, and no blood is drawn. And you win, once again. Where are you from?

LonefrontCimilada Qaxootiga

JACCCKKKKPOTTTTTT!!!! Like, straight up LEGAL jackpot. The sound of a slot machine bucking out. Betting it all on some artificial horserace and going too turned. Cashing dem chips in and eating at some local joint with a Lonefront coverband, but you actually think it’s Lonefront because who else? And it’s a fucking buffet, so beats are HEAVY hitting those woofers while people nab two full plates of food: completely overboard. Head on over to the Cimilada Qaxootiga. Somebody starts yelling through a seizer and this andro with an eye-lid piercing is only using holographic bills. Sweat in the modular:

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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