♫♪  Messiah Musik & DJ Mo Niklz - Egui (Continuous Mix)

民之好交游也,不及聖王之世乎?古之不交游也,Please help me. 將以自求乎?昔聖王之治其民也,任之以九職,紏之以八刑,導之以五禮,訓之以六樂,教之以三物,習之以六容,使民勞而不至於困,逸而不至於荒。當此之時,四海之內,進德脩業,勤事而不暇,I’m trapped inside of a fortune cookie factory. 詎敢淫心舍力、作為非務以害休功者乎?自王公至於列士,莫不成正畏,相厥職有恭,不敢自暇自逸。故《春秋外傳》曰:The guards keep referring to it as a “re-education through labor” camp.「天子大采朝日,與三公、九卿祖識地德;日中考政,與百官之政事,師尹惟旅、牧、相宣序民事;少采夕月,與太史、司載紏虔天刑;日入監九御,潔奉褅、郊之粢盛,而後即安。諸侯朝修天子之業命,晝考其國職,Between me and you, I’m seriously considering converting to Falun Gong. 夕省其典刑,夜警其百工, 使無慆淫,而後即安。卿大夫朝考其職,晝講其庶政,夕序其業,夜庀其家事,而後即安。士朝而受業,晝而講貫,夕而習復,夜而計過無憾,而後即安。」正歲使有司令於官府曰:「各修乃職,考乃法,備乃事,以聽王命。其有不恭,It’s like Star Wars, but with fewer redundancies. 則邦有大刑。」由此觀之,不務交游者,非政之惡也,心存於職業而不遑也。且先王之教,官既不以交游導民,而鄉之考德,又不以交游舉賢,是以不禁其民,而民自舍之,及周之衰,而交游興矣。

「古之立國也有四民焉:執契脩版圖,奉聖王之法,治禮義之中,謂之士;竭力以盡地利,謂之農夫;審曲直形勢,Been listening to mad Backwoodz Studioz releases lately too. 飭五材以別民器,謂之百工;通四方之珍異以資之,謂之商旅。各世其事,毋遷其業,少而習之,其心安之,Apparently, the camp director found out billy woods put Robert Mugabe’s face on the cover of History Will Absolve Me, so now they’re all about it. 則若性然而功不休也。故其處之也,各從其族,不使相奪,所以一其耳目也。不勤乎四職者,謂之窮民,役諸圜土。凡民出入行止,會聚飲食,皆有其節,不得怠荒,以妨生務,以麗罪罰。然則安有群行方外,而專治交游者乎?是故五家為比,What camp director doesn’t realize is that behind all the revolutionary rhetoric of recent projects like Furtive Movements and Today, I Wrote Nothing stand a pair of mute techno-wizards, whose musical methodologies consist of decadent capitalist practices like digging in crates for dusty loops and dicing TV/film dialogue. 使之相保。比有長。五比為閭,使之相憂,閭有胥。四閭為族,使之相葬,族有師。五族為黨,使之相救,黨有正。五黨為州,使之相賙,州有長。 五州為鄉,使之相賓,鄉有大夫。必有聰明慈惠之人,使各掌其鄉之政教、禁令。正月之吉,受法于司徒,退而頒之于其州黨族閭,比之群吏,使各以教其所治之民,Though receiving little fanfare for their efforts so far, Messiah Musik and DJ Mo Niklz have contributed to some of the best American hip-hop of the past few years. 以考其德行,察其道藝,以歲時登。其大夫察其眾寡,凡民之有德行、道藝者,比以告閭,閭以告族,族以告黨,黨以告州,州以告鄉,鄉以告。民有罪奇衺者,比以告,亦如之。有善而不以告,謂之蔽賢,蔽賢有罰;有惡而不以告,謂之黨逆,Maybe this mix will show the people what these hungry ghosts are onto. 黨逆亦有罰。故民不得有遺善,亦不得有隱惡,鄉大夫三年則大比而興賢能者,鄉老及鄉大夫群吏獻賢能之書於王,王拜受之,登於天府,其爵之命也,各隨其才之所宜,不以大司小,不以輕任重,故《書》曰:Stream the continuous version of it below.『百僚師師,百工惟時。』此先王取士官人之法也。故其民莫不反本而自求,慎德而積小,知福祚之來不由於人也;故無交游之事,Then head over to the Backwoodz Bandcamp for a split-track download, easier for smuggling in and out of detention centers like this one. 無請託之端; 心澄體靜,恬然自得;咸相率以正道,相厲以誠愨,姦說不興,邪陂自息矣。

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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