♫♪  Ross Manning - “Scatter”

Brisbane multi-platform artist Ross Manning is releasing his first album for Brisbane multi-platform label Room40, which is curated by fellow Brisbaner Lawrence English because Australia is one big party. But when the party dies down, Manning creates optic-based installations seen and praisedaround the world, even being feature in last year’s 19th Sydney Biennale. Sonically, Manning preformed with Alan Nguyen under Faber Castell starting back in 2002 and in the self-described primitive four piece Sky Needle until recent. Each project featured his own instrumental inventions – credited in Sky Needle for “string panels (here’s one demonstrated) – often mixing light and color into it (THIS IS SO COOL). There’s a level of love of sensory that radiates from everything he builds and makes it almost tangible to a kid laying on a futon twelve time zones away.

Ross Manning’s forthcoming record Interlacing is coming out soon on Room40 and we have a small look at it with the blurred, crumbling video for “Scatter” – check it out below.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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