♫♪  Valet - “Clouds” (Recycle Culture Magellanic Mix)

Following her Kranky Records May release Nature, Valet gripped a Recycled Culture Magellanic Mix for the mellow melter single, “Clouds.” Including a mirage’d-out video schematic, blending bits of originality and audio edit cultures of sound, Recycled Culture drives true meaning to the musician’s pseudonym, while drawing out the ethereal-ness and carefree ‘tude Valet exhibits within the album-version track. But it’s fucking Wednesday. And everyone needs a little mind expansion. Feel the the visuals for Valet’s “Clouds” (Recycle Culture Magellanic Mix) immediately, and mirror this within the center of your forehead. Probably should also mention that Grams is FINE after that corner-edible I accidentally gave her last night. WEDNESDAY!

• Recycled Culture: https://recycleculture.bandcamp.com
• Kranky Records: http://www.kranky.net

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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