File-Sharing Program Soulseek Makes It to the iPhone

You can't teach an old iPhone new tricks, but its enlightened counterpart, the Unlocked iPhone, can now earn your music library a whole lotta bragging rights, which may cause YOU to do a back flip. Enter iSlsk, a new P2P program for hacked-and-improved iPods, which allows phone owners to share media files on Soulseek's network.

The Father of iSlsk, Eric Castro, is tackling the bugs that have already been reported (excluding "Why does my iPhone spontaneously combust when I try to play ‘In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida’ on repeat?!"), but so far, most people have been able to download Belle and Sebastian albums at fairly high speeds using iSlsk.

Still, what about the next generation of iPhones? There's only one way to describe the ease with which the first iPhone was hacked: shit was embarrassing. Kids using iSlsk are guaranteed to be part of the tech set, so it could be a pretty big downer to buy a shiny new iPhone and find that it can't do them quite right anymore, assuming Apple will wise up on the latest model's security. Unless, of course, they're counting on this year's crop of 17-year-olds from New Jersey to be significantly less adept at cracking their software than the last.

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