Arrrrrr ya ready, kids!? Lil Yachty unveils cover art and impending release date for Lil Boat 2

Arrrrrr ya ready, kids!? Lil Yachty unveils cover art and impending release date for Lil Boat 2
I can't hearrrrrrrr yoooou!!!

Because there’s just no such thing as “little” Lil Yachty news: today we’re PROUD AF to share with you the crazy-huge news that Grammy-nominated rapper, producer, creative designer, branding master, and shirtless looker-gooder Lil Yachty — yes, he of legendarily many, many 2017 releases — has just unveiled THE COVER ART for his newest latest release (and titular successor to 2016’s Lil Boat): Lil Boat 2!

Yup. FOR REAL. He did. And that’s IT right up above! No fooling!

And you know what??? Here it is AGAIN:

And, oh what the hell??? Here it is A THIRD TIME:

Okay, that’s it!

Oh, wait — and he also “revealed” that it’ll be out March 9!

Let me say that again: MARCH. NINE.

That’s, like: just over two weeks.

Think of it: just TWO the-fuck WEEKS until nautical nonsense commences! (And until then, stay tuned for more info.) Talk about #Huge Lil news!


Lil Boat 2 cover art again (just in case):

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