I can hear why Grant Evans’ next tape after Lacerations is called Respite; we’re all going to need one after getting sliced and diced to ribbons by this cracked, corroded cassette. Apparently these compositions were created by acoustic instruments, mostly, which were then, as you might guess, cracked and corroded. But you’d be surprised what you’ll find amid the harsh, searing sections and unidentifiable gurgles. The title track, for one, could have been recorded at an old-school train station, with steam clouding the air and distant whistles beckoning the ear. “Enemy” could almost be an Eric Copeland/Terrestrial Tones track, were it not for the terrifying streaks of harshness peaking in the window like wicked sunshine. “Fat Bride” is where this reviewer really gets his ya-yas out though, as this cut contains the perfect balance of creepiness and trippery, queasiness and disorientation, oddity and curiosity. An ominous rumble underpins what seem to be flashes of human utterings, though you can never be sure when everything’s being fed through a wood-chipper of a time machine. Heady stuff that takes noise up a notch for sure, 100 copies ensuring you’ll always miss out forever.
More about: Grant Evans