If I’d have known this year was going to be so blessed, I would have baked a cake. (Baked a cake; baked a cake.) Not sure how these folks — Woodpecker Wooliams and Golden Cup meet Love Cult — came together and whether this actually occurred In Russia (crowd noise tells me it happened live SOMEwhere), but it’s like CVLTS birthed a chosen one with a mind full of choppy ambitions and liquid courage, a.k.a. FUCKING ROWDY. So many of these tapists don’t understand, but when they do, and there’s nearly a half-hour to stretch out in, it’s one of life’s great pleasures. Woodpecker Wooliams, nee Gemma, is in demand right now on several fronts (new record out on Robot Elephant, yadda yadda), and should be. She is the Julianna Barwick of think-drone, a multi-talented soundstress whose early explorations have struck a chord with people who want to take more away from this “drone” thing than mere slow shifts and buzzkill. Not sure how long In Russia will be around, if at all, so ground floor, get in on, you, why don’t?
More about: Woodpecker Wooliams and Golden Cup meet Love Cult