♫♪  Farrago - 叁部曲:self軀離

Remembering a flip-phone photo I once took of my brother and mother in a Florida cinema, during the opening of Avatar; the image is grainy, as my brother’s faux-aghast face beholds behind Real-3D glasses, while my mother puts up her hands like there’s a sensory connection beyond hallucination, blurring all pixel scenery surrounding their silhouettes. Swimming laps around 8:12 A.M. at Crestwood Swimming Pool the day before I turned 10, bragging to everyone about going to see that walking dagger in The Shadow — featuring Alec Baldwin — at the cinema, and a tightly-bound child-Speedo is gripping my future, marked with orange and red pedaled tropical flowers, against black. Walking atop of the tallest tower, Henry is sitting on the edge, yelling at me (which he’s usually very quiet), “Welcome to Moe’s! Good choice.” Flipping a barrel in the parking lot of an old sex-toy factory where TMT hosted their first SXSW showcase, while we (Grant, Caroline, Marvin, Mike, and jDean) really should’ve been helping people park. That mid-afternoon 4-Loko smell of the fourth floor in RXR Tower -west fills the air feign while walking into the bathroom and hearing a dude sigh, cough, and grunt all at once into the toilet behind the stall door. Speaking to Saint Pepsi a little past Fire Island on the south shore, eating Taco Bell, catching our trash trying to blow away, and recoding only wind on my phone’s built-in mic. Getting blocked by traffic to my left, and a dump-truck to my immediate front, I finally pass it, but the person behind me is tailing me as if I did something wrong, only to be stuck between me and another car at the Willis Avenue traffic light: he’s so close, I’m knocking on his passenger window and the lady in the other car is honking and yelling at him as he just ignores his asshole antics, so I gag my morning berries, lean out my driver window, and puke up and down the right side of his car, finally seeing his surprised face, and I drive away leaving him in shock, receiving multiple honks in the distance; shock. Swimming in the pool with Todd and Mom while Savannah took her shower, after having come in from the Cape Coral canals in Florida, the three of us are about to take a shot of cheap tequila in glasses that are not ours, and when mom takes hers, I accidentally make her laugh, and everything comes out of her face, foaming, floating in the pool, and it takes her two hours to recover. Showing Marshall the Aaliyah sweatshirt I bought for PopCube as Oscar (our neighbor’s 16 year old kid) knocks on the door because he’s going to prom and needs his tie knotted, and his hair cut is asymmetrically up the back, so Marshall and I get very excited because of that song “I Wish” by Skee-Lo. Falling asleep next to Courtney and Stephen in his Fairborn apartment, only to be awaken 30 minutes later via the gaggle of his roommates’ pals knocking the front door down with a few boxes of wine, and the leader introducing herself, “It’s Karis. K-A-R-I-S. Karis!” The revolving door at RXR makes a “WHOO!” sound when it rotates, but I initially thought it was some lady passing through it, after having a serious conversation outside with a colleague about the whole issue, and then-some. When my little brother and me see a fox for the first time in the forest by our childhood house swinging from a branch, attached to a rope and a limb. A many years later in the front yard of Brandon’s front yard on Sixth Street in Tipp: I just arrived after a one-stop, 12 hour drive from New York to Ohio, and I’m smoking a joint when a fox hunts and kills about five or six rabbits in the front yard — and rabbits give off a terrifying shriek; I dare not hyperlink a YouTube video. Sitting a block or two away from the 445 office, just west of Westbury Blvd., Erica and I are smoking out in the Fission when a mans pulls up a bit away from us on the other side of the street, and about three dozen stray cats start walking out and toward him as he lifts a giant bag of cat food out of the car. Finding Yoli in the basement crying about “This is my day off,” the same location where she and Avi met my wife and me; it’s about a month until my downstairs neighbor leaves. Going to James West’s apartment, but he’s not there, so we smoke a joint with his roommate Jeremy who got “hit by a bus May ‘14 and got nothing from it.” Picked up fish on the way to Cayman’s apartment where they retitled the tracks while I talked to John about his “PC Music Dis Track.” Getting thrown out of the A.G. Cook PS1 MoMA Warm Up event because I was vaping reefer, so I smoke a joint in my car and return when SOPHIE goes on. Telling Renee at the company party about Richard sleeping with Tara in one of the back offices, right next to where Renee has worked for two years. Standing out on the balcony of 23 Sands Point, listening to a car horn, single-noted, blare out and deteriorate in sound for about five minutes. Waking up around 2:30AM because Savannah is telling me to answer the door, but nobody is there, so as I’m closing the door, the bell rings again, and nobody is there, only to walk out and realize the ringer is defective: now I’m changing the front door bell at 3AM.

Acorn Tapes back on one w/ Farrago by 叁部曲:self軀離:

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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