♫♪  F#X 9​.​12​+​4 - V I S C 0 8

Like stamp collecting in a wind-tunnel, the newest V I S joint by F#X 9​.​12​+​4 comes at listeners with careful harmonies in labyrinth. Down the rabbit hole. V I S C 0 8 comes out the other end. An odd-world upon counter-clockwise. Was that thunder? She said it was smaller in the picture. Now that’s a bingo. Eurotrip into a cafe serving this dish you never tried before. Drinks that do the opposite of sleep inducing. Selling a wedding ring. That perfect kitchen never worked out. Watch your head on the first landing. A total blank space turned out. Beckoning rosettes. Hay carriage and then they called the cops. That feeling of coming through. So F#X 9​.​12​+​4 will come through with the V I S C 0 8. Travel goals:

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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