♫♪  Grapefruit - “Event Horizon”

With previous releases on Constellation Tatsu, Sloow Tapes, AMDISCS, Gnar Tapes, Golden Cloud Tapes, and other labels I’m sure I missed, Grapefruit has returned to the Field Hymns’s roster with his latest album, Some New-Age Bullshit, and I’ve gotta admit, my third eye has never felt so moist.

Of course the title (!) and the artwork (the upside-down hair triangle, layered over the rippling soft pink and vein-hued blue background on the cover, and the uninseminated embryo caged in a zebra hide on the inside of the j-card) are immediately striking and hilarious, but the ears are what this little ditty is all about. As tongue-and-cheek as the whole thing is, Some New-Age Bullshit is not to be dismissed. Take “Event Horizon,” the third track off the A-side, for instance. It’s bass line leads the way, while wah-wah’d guitar, “Any Colour You Like” synths (duh… I mean, look at the cover again), and the up-and-down bounce of the rhythm section swap fluids together. I don’t have a name for the mixture, but Field Hymns tagged the track as “cosmic porno” on their SoundCloud, which seems to stick pretty well.

Preview “Event Horizon” below, and pick up a copy of the flowering cohesion of sonic resonance (or whatever the fuck it is) known as Some New-Age Bullshit while you still can.

• Grapefruit: https://soundcloud.com/grapefruitmusic
• Field Hymns: http://www.fieldhymns.com/

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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