♫♪  Infinity Frequencies - Dream Recovery

And you notice at the moment your mother’s Trippin’N’Rhythm-produced CD begins skipping in the car that she’s the coolest internet bitch off the grid. She is singing along with the same repetitive lyric, “One you love, one you love, one you love,” and occasionally starts the next verse, but mumbles back to “you love.” Her car phone rings and you’re all, holy shit, mom, do they still have companies servicing car phone communic—… “Yes, I told them next week,” she yawns into the phone and hangs up. Now the music has become a permanent auto moan, swirling the car’s interior, while NO SURPRISE: your life is totally on a thread as your mom drives in two lanes at 85 on the BQE. When Steven Halpern begins skittling out her stock Bose car speakers, you ask to be dropped off immediately and anywhere so you can call jDean, crying about the meaning of “inevitability.”

*****Actually, Infinity Frequencies will be playing with jDean (Transmuteo) tonight LIVE on the internet. Here’s the event-page, and the video/chat area.*****

• Infinity Frequencies: http://computer-gaze.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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