♫♪  Kinesthetiac - “pOLL-U-TION”

Kinesthetiac’s a rat who sets the traps. He lives to catch listeners off guard and does so with flair, littering his cramped soundscapes with springy cartoon sound effects and abrupt timbral shifts — always a few strides ahead. He’s Jerry and you’re Tom, stumbling over an off-kilter breakcore loop or ensnared in a web of crisscrossing melodies.

That’s what makes “pOLL-U-TION” such an unsettling piece. Hearkening back to Roedelius’ quaint Kosmische soundscapes that inhabit his 1981 Wenn Der Südwind Weht LP, Kinesthetiac weaves a false sense of synth-pop security — I can’t help but be reminded of John Williams’ cozier compositions penned for the Home Alone score. The listener peers through the window of Kevin McCallister’s home as he spills a jarful of marbles at the doorway and frees Buzz’s pet tarantula from its emptied aquarium. Kinesthetiac’s creative cogs are turning in this game of Soundcloud cat and mouse. Consider this a brief intermission, albeit a very pretty one.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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