♫♪  Monster Rally - Beyond the Sea [album stream]

If Beyond the Sea, the new album by Monster Rally (contributor to the NY/LA sound collage and mixtape collective, Mondo Boys), is a sequential reference to his 2011 EP, Deep Sea, it’s because, this time around, the ship has finally reached the party on the beach of that tropical island sitting just on the horizon of every previous release. Let Monster Rally take you on a sample-based tour around all the hot spots, shady paradises, and secluded beaches of this island. Just make sure you wear comfortable shoes. LAAAAAAANNNNNDDDD HOOOOO!!!! (And thank God; I’m getting sick of all of this ocean nonsense.)

Check out the album below and buy it on “lava red” vinyl over at Gold Robot Records.

• Monster Rally: http://monsterrally.bandcamp.com
• Gold Robot Records: http://gold-robot.com/records

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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