♫♪  Space Dimension Controller - “Exostack”

“My current albums have a beginning, middle and end, but not enough for me to say it has a plot. I kind of sprinkle the idea but it’s very loose.”Space Dimension Controller

Well, if them High Concept records – The Pathway to Tiraquon 6 and Welcome to Mikrosector-50 – were “loose” applications of a theme, what exactly to make of this here “Exostack” single? To be honest, “loose” is exactly what I’d describe “Exostack” as. Beyond the insistent main synth line, there’s a fair bit going on, as elements whoosh about, get rewound, enter and exit on a whim. It’s the kind of feel-good, blithely bounce that’d initiate hundreds of “track ID on this?”s. Loose in all the right ways. Fave R&S in a minute. To give you the short of it: proper banger, this, and required listening in order to dance.

(P.S. The Kornél Kovács remix is a neat lil’ bonus. For the heads!)

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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