♫♪  wosX - Deconstruction of Mind

u must first feel pain
then insanity
then pleasure
then complete transcendence
the path to god is not a path which is of ease
it is a path of both pain
and of great satisfaction
u will find many things
but u will not find emptiness
this i can assure u

In no way does god exist, unless you count an event like “The Big Bang” to be “god.” Although, the peculiar bit of this claim that wosX — and fellow hardened vapourer, HKE — make (especially on on Twitter) about sound being a close-to-god experience is as phony as most hardvapour claims Russian/Ukrainian native. This type of statement is interesting when considering the validation/contradiction of the genre’s music. Though, when it comes down to it: can a [specifically instrumental, or lyricless] song exist without the artist name or title(s)? Put all your faith into everything audio:

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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