♫♪  Yuto Ohashi - “Ħolma”

Yuto Ohashi’s is music that tucks you in. This is basically what I said when I wrote about their self-released album from last year, Memento Mansion, and it’s still true for their latest, Juvenile - insubstantial, re​-​present -, forthcoming on Cudighi Records.

Although, as each hand feels different in one’s own, as falling asleep is an exploration into the unknown each time, with different sounds creaking through the house and different voices bouncing around one’s head, Ohashi’s latest collection of lullabies introduces what metaphorically sounds like bursts of developing consciousness. Budding egos. A body that has begun to walk and thus a mind in motion piecing together words and sounds, which complicates everything.

Ohashi’s world view becomes a bit messy without losing its music-box beauty. These are sounds like learning to speak. Like tasting a new fruit for the first time.

Click through the audio player to hear another single and preorder the cassette, which will be out on August 30. I recommend listening to these in bed.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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