♫♪  Alpine Decline - “Pity the Pacified (+ Pharaohs Remix)”

Interesting. In all regards to the definition, Alpine Decline is exactly rock music. It’s more like a calmer Death From Above or a rowdier Pure Ecstasy, and “Pity the Pacified” is definitely an excellent example of that sound. However, when “remixed” by 100% Silk’s Pharaohs, Alpine Decline get’s an entirely new sound of synthesis in their scalings. And cold-blooded is in-deed what listeners receive/hear —audibly, of course (SEE: hear). I’m curious if more of these synth-driven remixes of songs will be popping up more often too, because it’s audaciously modern within the world we call music, currently. As well, coming from my pals at Laitdbac Records, it seems almost like this is the most needed step in merging the two fields of music: purely electronic production/snyth work and fuzzed-out garage-type-psyche rock. The blend is oddly particular in how Pharaohs carefully combine samples and sounds, but worth the time put into remixing. Them live drum samples. Twitched-out vocals. Everything pulsating. Interesting.

“Pity the Pacified” is the first single off Go Big Shadow City which was released by MRG, Laitdbac Records, Maybe Mars, and Genjing Records, and you can hear it streaming below:

• Alpine Decline: https://alpinedecline.bandcamp.com
• Laitdbac Records: http://www.laitdbac.com
• Genjing Records: http://genjingrecords.com
• Maybe Mars: http://maybemars.org

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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