♫♪  Dali Vision - Dark Green

Dali Vision crafts an interesting breed of fluidity to his music. Drawing upon production work from sound-scapes, sample meshing, potentially beaten, and almost electronica, Dark Green traverses a journey of waved terrain, building a spire that spontaneously erupts in controlled bursts of adventure. Dali Vision’s creativity emerges at the base of all listeners’ brain-to-spine attachment, slices the gland withholding ALL imagination, and let’s the juices flow. It’s unabashed questing of questioning what exactly your corneas are experiencing. And as the music runs from pleasant to motivating to drudging zones, the consistency is hidden in the storytelling. Tangibility harnessed within the third-eye. It’s all legitimately OUT-OF-SIGHT.

I was first introduced to Dali Vision toward the end of this summer, and in all honesty, the music REALLY threw me for a loop. This “loop” I was thrown for was mostly because the sound set up consisted of a little too much bass, but now that I’m listening to Dark Green on headphones, and am really digging the journey. Definitely something better listened to FIRST then experienced (in a tunnel) live. Actually, JASS… can we get a good Brooklyn tunnel show going sometime soon (preferably winter), headlining Dali Vision as master-slayer and sound hero?

Although JASS are newcomers to me (met ‘em on a roof ALSO toward the end of summer), Dark Green by Dali Vision will be their EIGHTH release, and it’s piping out on CD (and digital) TOMORROW. See the curve beyond the corner? Catch up and get ahead of heads! Grip on Dark Green from the mind of Dali Vision — courtesy of JASS — streaming below before snagging it on the CD spin:

• Dali Vision: https://soundcloud.com/dali-vision
• JASS: http://jasssite.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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