♫♪  Drew Daniel/John Wiese - “Abhorred Shears”

If you're waiting for a sign to cut your hair, this is it!

One of the most intriguing threads running parallel between the bodies of work from Drew Daniel (Matmos, The Soft Pink Truth) and John Wiese (Sissy Spacek, John Wiese) is this: no matter how abrasive, how panic-inducing their music becomes, there remains a diehard attachment to tenderness and mundanity. Isn’t that where the nastiest stuff occurs anyway?

It’s there in the name: “The Soft Pink Truth.” (More like “The Soft Punk Truth, aye? Huh? Anybody???) It’s there in the images: a “Wind Changed Direction.” It’s there in the source: a goddamn washing machine. And it’s here on full display for the first (of a series, I’m told) music video for their forthcoming album, Continuous Hole.

The song sounds as you’d expect, and thank God for that. The diverse array of source material is scattered purposefully, creating a rapidfire BPM without even aide from MIDI or, possibly, from fate. The video is almost equally uninterrupted staccato —save for a cameo from ABBA’s The Visitors. The slope is so slippery from brushing one’s hair to pulling it all out and taping it all over one’s house. So very, very slippery indeed…

You can preorder Continuous Hole here. Or, fuck it, just wait until this coming Tuesday and buy it in real life. That will give you some time to get a nice new haircut :)

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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