♫♪  Jamaican Queens - “Bored + Lazy” (Kevin & Dantiez Saunderson Origins Remix)

Hear that? It’s that new banger “Bored + Lazy” (Kevin & Dantiez Saunderson Origins Remix) by Jamaican Queens (Jam— Queens), and it got all the home-bodies bugging to the [edit] beat. Better yet, the best home-body I read DAILY — Molly Soda, in all her Internet fem’ajesty — made a completely captivating NewHive (embedded below) for the clububbler’s new track. Oh, and I mean completely captivating by-way of you witnessing this NewHive as a computer screen mirror of your home.

FOMO is at an all-time HIGH, so what’s the best option? Stay at home and get higher. What’s a few more pills, rips, and lean sips? Scope them digital boiis, gals, boii-gals, gal-boiis on the jpeg or —tube game. Order pizza, but don’t put it on the cum-stain shaped rug. Floating Doritos chip? CHECK! Like, just chill the fuck out ‘cause everyone is online anyhow. Even at the club/venue/bar, RN: online, everyone. ALSO you won’t hear music this good going out either!

Jamaican Queens rips a remix of Kevin & Dantiez Saunderson into the most fashionable sounding “Bored + Lazy” swag this side of the living room. Including AND exclusive to: a beat that’ll help your neighbors banging a bit more in-sync, vocals as syrup as that last sip of purp, drums to get you wasted on cleaning every nook and corner of your place, lyrics as longing as your last swipe on Tinder, and wooz-warps to tunnel your vision. It’s the complete package, HOMiE.

Shit, the only thing you WOULD be missing out on is Jamaican Queens tearing up your block and you ain’t around, ‘cause the tour is poppin’ right NOW! But do yourself a favor and CLICK ON THIS TO EXPERIENCE THE IMMENSITY OF MOLLY SODA’S NEWHIVE OF “Bored + Lazy,” because is regret even a part of your vocabulary anymore?

• Jamaican Queens: http://jamaicanqueens.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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