♫♪  Rob Roy and the Sultans - My Love I Love My

A while back, but not TOO far back, New Weird America was my muse away from metal and darker sorts of music. Since, New Weird America sorta fizzled out; some people progressed it (like Woods, Akron/Family, Amen Dunes (maybe?)); there have been very sporadic releases by fresh folks a little after the fact that completely restore your faith in the “movement.” Rob Roy and the Sultans are exactly who I’m talking about!

Just a few days ago, my bae BB e-mailed my ace about this album My Love I Love My by Rob Roy and the Sultans. Like a chump, as usual, I set it aside until I was ready to write about it. An now, here I am, feeling some HEAVY Castanets and Ganglians and even Here Comes The Indian vibes like MAD! Well, mad in the happiest way. Some of these tracks are so simple and pleasant. There are challenges, but they’re always worth overcoming. Various tracks linger, but like a forgotten memory that begins to reveal itself once again. Vocals flutter from track-to-track and chorus in a weird echo. Um, this shit is gold; is like life, no?

Ask yourself, “How important is my hearing today?” ‘Cause My Love I Love My is worth cranking up. Not just because it’s as soft as Angel, but because the louder it gets, the less you can actually distinguish all sounds, and boggling your mind into a peacefully hectic frenzy of calmly new sounds is pretty much all the rage — like — for the rest of your life. Fulfill your summer RIGHT with the bubbling psyche-folk mania Rob Roy and the Sultans brings on My Love I Love My in our already long-forgotten world of music, streaming below:

HOLY SHIT!!! Scope the credits on their Bandcamp as well, yo!!!!!!!!!

• Rob Roy and the Sultans: http://robroyandthesultans.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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