♫♪  Alpha Chris - “Patrón”

If there’s one thing my grandmother has continually wished upon me, “Good luck.” There are a number of ways in which I could posit that her wishing has served me well, but being introduced to “Patrón” by Alpha Chris has made me feel blessed as a young baby boi on his bar-mitzvah day. As furthered by a beautifully shot video, Alpha Chris has a phenomenal aura which bursts like sunlight through the seams of an unceasingly fresh windbreaker. Like a preacher of love, Chris channels refreshing themes of bliss, genuine emotion, care-free club dreams, and Patrón. Alternating between next-level hype and peaceful repose, Alpha Chris is nothing short of a young god in the field. Listening to “Patrón” is a breath of fresh mountain air on a cool spring day with a fat Juicy-Juice in my right hand. I’m surprised at how low-key the track is right now, but can certainly vouch for its’ golden nature. Peep it if you please. You won’t be disappointed.

• Alpha Chris: http://www.chrisowensofficial.tumblr.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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