♫♪  Amen Dunes - “Splits Are Parted”

Look, it’s not like ALL Sacred Bones Records will be on Grey’s Anatomy, but C’MON! If Amen Dunes don’t cut a break like that soon, he’s going to revert — as did Dirty Beaches rightfully this year — yet that’s DEFINITELY never a bad thing. So, I’m kinda stoked if Love completely bombs his career with the Sony owned label — I’m pretty sure Sacred Bones is owned by Sony — so he’ll get back to the experimenting. Fuck it, though. I Love the album, (pun intended) duh!

It’s very rare that I listen to a physical release when writing up a Chocolate Grinder, but found the new video for “Splits Are Parted” in our editorial’s UNRESERVED section, and got stoked. Yeah, I own Amen Dunes’ Love. The cover excites my imagination a million-fold. It’s a record I enjoy popping on during cooking or cleaning or hanging outside. It’s going to get more miles in the Autumn. Best thing: my fiancee likes it too!

Maybe Amen Dunes steered away from his weird shit, but that wispy-haired aura/silhouette in “Splits Are Parted” is THERE for me. And whoever else he’s singing about. But mostly me. Wait, you too?

• Amen Dunes: http://amendunes.bandcamp.com
• Sacred Bones Records: http://www.sacredbonesrecords.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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