♫♪  Jerkagram - “Classically Handsome”

Somewhere on the spectrum between hilarious and motherFUCKING creepy, Jerkagram strikes with a flatulent thunderclap. “Classically Handsome,” video directed and animated like a champ by Rob Frese, arrives to herald the (somewhat) imminent (March 8, 2018) release of All Eyes On Me, the forthcoming self-released CD by the LA noise rock duo. And, if “Classically Handsome” is any indication, you’re probably going to want to secretly buy All Eyes On Me the second it comes out, then immediately get a restraining order against it.

Combining two of my favorite things — that scene in Ghostbusters when Bill Murray’s Peter Venkman plays the piano (the opening guitar tones) and the Arnold Schrwazenegger bits on Conan (you’ll see) — Jerkagram sleaze their way like less muscle-y Matt Korvettes around bars and try to pick up women, because they’re “Classically Handsome.” Now, this might seem a little crass in the age of the #MeToo movement (and thank god for it), but surely this first-person account is a biting commentary on toxic masculinity. A steady musical diet of Jesus Lizard, Melvins, and Big Black will fuse that kind of humor right to the center of your very being.

And how can “Classically Handsome” not be a big fat double middle finger to the status quo with this incredible video taking the complete piss out of pretty much everything? I’m betting it is. And I’m betting you’re going to love it just as much as I do.

By the way, this is what I pictured when I first heard the name “Jerkagram.”

I wasn’t wrong, was I?

A reminder, All Eyes On Me is out March 8. Tour dates, including a release show, are right here!

Tuesday, February 13 @ Five Star Bar [w/ Holy Fawn, Blood Candy, Camp Counsellor]
Thursday, March 8 @ Echoplex [w/ Palm, The Spirit of The Beehive (release show!)]

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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