♫♪  Kingspitter - “Exquisite Cutlery”

Bigg Jus’ former Company Flow partner El-P (a.k.a. GingerLord Supreme) rapped back in 2007, “This is the sound of what you don’t know killing you / This is the sound of what you don’t believe, still true.” The ‘sound’ in question then was that of the “Tasmanian Pain Coaster” and whatever significance you chose to lend it. However, that couplet could just as easily be used to describe the absurdly acuated swordsmanship styles Kingspitter Bigg Jus has been sharpening since his last release, 2012’s Machines That Make Civilizations Fun, on tracks like “Empire Is a Bitch (Fake Arab Spring Mix)” and “Emmanuel Goldstein” — that conspiracy-against-reality level lyricism over unquantifiably tempoed Ableton hacks. This is the type of shit that Rammellzee must’ve been dreaming about when he conceived his Ionic Treatise Gothic Futurism and later, the pimp known as Barshaw Gangstarr the Duck. There are men of letters, and then there are men of militarized letters that slice through the psychosphere to make mincemeat of your mindset. “Exquisite Cutlery” indeed.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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