♫♪  Piper Spray & Benzaldehyde Monster - “Krolorog 99”

“Fucking Singapore Sling, guys. Every damn time. Starting to get a little tired of telling you, but I just gotta.” - Strauss

Back again like a sweet VD, Singapore Sling Tapes brought together SST and Orange Milk vet and Babylonian astronomy enthusiast (learn more here) who previously teamed up to make ↓this incredible video↓ for “Krolorog 99.”

Piper Spray and Benzaldehyde Monster, understanding we can only communicate through dating sites, emojis, and subtweets, gave the a/s/l for each song so we, the sad and alone, can appropriately plug them into our match making algorithms to find our favorite cuts! It was a toss up between “Moon/Click/Trance” and “Death/Bottle/Spam” because the Devil’s Kettle is a waterfall to nowhere and so is my life. Find your match below!

The s/t the cassette is a Russian Kinder egg and features twenty extra minutes of sound.

• Piper Spray: https://piperspray.bandcamp.com
• Benzaldehyde Monster: https://soundcloud.com/benzaldehyde-monster
• Singapore Sling Tapes: http://singaporesling.grrrbzzz.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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