Sultans Ghost Ship

[Sympathy For the Music Industry; 2001]

Styles: ’60s garage rock, rawk & roll
Others: Rocket from the Crypt, New Bomb Turks, Supersuckers

For months now, my friend Matt has been telling me about his need to purchase turntables. Years have past since the 1997 rise of "Electronica", but this doesn't deter good old Matt. As his Gibson Les Paul lays quietly in its case under his bed, he dreams of assembling a cut-and-paste masterwork along the lines of DJ Shadow or Cut Chemist. He even dubbed himself DJ B0nified... there's a zero there instead of an O, to "keep it real".

I keep on telling him that turntables are out... "Rock N' Roll is where it's at Matt. Just look at this past year: The Strokes, The White Stripes, Dirtbombs... dirty, stripped down Rawk N' Motherfookin' Roll -- it's much cooler to bang out two minute rock songs." Matt shook his head in confusion, but I was completely hooked on the rawk.

So when I found out that Rocket From The Crypt's ever-prolific lead singer Speedo just released Ghost Ship -- a collection of 13 tracks devoted to the art of raw, stripped down rock and roll -- I had to get my hands on it.

As The Sultans, Speedo is no longer -- enter Slasher: the patch-eyed bass player/vocalist. Along with Black Flame on guitar (ND from RFTC) and Tony Di Prima on drums, the band blasts through thirteen of the rawest rock heard all year. A mere 21 minutes long, the band go straight for the throat on every track with sing along choruses, melodic guitars, and a thunderous rhythm section that is tight as ever.

"Just a Fool (That's Down)", the album's first track, preaches the rock gospel from the opening guitar intro. The chorus says it all: "I don't wanna live my life on a bed of roses, cuz I don't wanna leave my razorblades, I'm just a fool that's down." Those expecting something more insightful should head for the exits because it doesn't get much more profound than this. Other tracks such as "Chances Are" and "(this ain't no) Solid State" are vintage Rocket from the Crypt mixed with old Rolling Stones, foot-stomping anthems that require loud volume.

Ghost Ship was just a one-off studio session recorded in the band's hometown of San Diego. According to the liner notes, the songs were "captured using pre-used tape and mastered onto a pre-used DAT. All recordings strictly adhered to the 3-take rule and was recorded live and direct." AMEN.

In an age where it's all about gimmick and attitude, you can keep your White Stripes and Strokes. If you want rock without the hype and all heart, The Sultans' Ghost Ship will not let you down. Now, if only I can convince DJ B0nified of the same thing...

1. Just A Fool (That's Down)
2. Hold You Down
3. Heartbreaker
4. Shakedown
5. Put Up A Fight
6. Trust No One
7. It's Over
8. My Sights Are Low
9. Chances Are
10. (This Ain't No) Solid State
11. You Mouth Is Open And Your Eyes Are Shut
12. The Year Of Regret
13. All City Warning

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