Amen Dunes announces new album Love! It’s getting released in the spring, when love is all everywhere!

Amen Dunes announces new album Love! It's getting released in the spring, when love is all everywhere!

You know what’s cool? When we talked to you last about New York psych-raga whiz Damon McMahon’s Amen Dunes project, we weren’t sure what the hell was up with his alleged second-of-two releases planned for 2014. Sure, on the basis of 2011’s smash hit Through Donkey Jaw (TMT Review), we tried to keep our excitement up and everything; but truly, we were just kinda grasping at straws and making shit up, mostly.

Well, no longer! I’m happy to report that Amen Dunes has come along to cover our journalistically yellow asses by unveiling a new album for the Sacred Bones label! How convenient. It’s called Love and is being released on May 13. And yeah, like we said earlier, McMahon worked with members of Godspeed You! Black Emperor on it, as well as Elias Bender Rønnenfelt of Iceage and Colin Stetson. Hey, see? We were right on the money after all!

Anyway, according to the press release, the thing was “the result of 18 months’ hard slog, and is influenced by Astral Weeks, Sam Cooke, Tim Hardin and Alice Coltrane, among others.” Awesome, awesome, awesome, and awesome. Right?

• Amen Dunes:
• Sacred Bones:

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