Beach House have made a career out of releasing similar-sounding albums; but subtle differences add individual appeal to each of the duo’s seven albums since 2006, and my colleague Mr. Neale recently highlighted something that tends to ring true when you dig into the background of their latest: 7 is arguably Beach House’s most realized album following years of pretty and meticulous flower-arranging. Victoria Legrand and Alex Scally did without a true producer during the atypically lengthy recording process, and they also indulged to their heart’s content when it came to the instrumentation. Prior concerns about live replication were also reportedly fleeting this go ‘round, which seemed to have a liberating effect.
Except…no, wait, REALLY, though: what about that live replication?!
Some might argue that Beach House already assuaged that concern by virtue of their lengthy international tour last year, but still others (who refuse to identify themselves) insist that even more tour dates are needed to ensure 7’s in-person transferability. They’re a strange, mysterious, very handsome, and unusually demanding bunch. And with an unusual amount of sway.
Check out the dates below. Lots of back-to-back shows!
Beach House getaway 2019:
03.06.19 - Adelaide, Australia - RCC Fringe - University of Adelaide
03.08.19 - Melbourne, Australia - Forum Melbourne
03.09.19 - Victoria, Australia - Golden Plains Festival
03.11.19 - Auckland, New Zealand - Town Hall
04.30.19 - San Luis Obispo, CA - Madonna Inn
05.03.19 - Long Beach, CA - Just Like Heaven Festival (Sold Out)
05.04.19 - Long Beach, CA - Just Like Heaven Festival (Sold Out)
05.08.19 - Seattle, WA - The Moore Theatre
05.09.19 - Seattle, WA - The Moore Theatre
05.24.19 - Madrid, Spain - Tomavista Festival
05.26.19 - London, UK - All Points East Festival
06.09.19 - Brooklyn, NY - Brooklyn Steel
06.10.19 - Brooklyn, NY - Brooklyn Steel
06.11.19 - Baltimore, MD - Hippodrome
06.14.19 - Manchester, TN - Bonnaroo
08.09.19 - Waynesville, OH - Bellwether Music Festival
08.10.19 - Waynesville, OH - Bellwether Music Festival
More about: Beach House