Beck’s Experience Argument Is Bogus; It’s Time for Some Sea Change

Top three reasons Beck (a.k.a. Bek David Campbell) should withdraw from music now:

1. His experience argument is bogus. Even if it were true, experience is historically a poor predictor of musical success. Further, anyone who claims to be prepared to be a musician “from day one” is lying -- no experience can prepare you for being a musician.
2. If Beck decides to continue trying to be a musician, his success will become a lesson in how other humans should achieve power: marry well; put up with any humiliations your husband/wife throws at you, and then, if you fight dirty and ask your husband/wife to teach you guitar, you might be able to ride their coattails to your “own” musical success.
3. Beck is relying on the laziness and stupidity of the American people to attack other musicians unfairly: through lies, distortions, and other unconscionable means, such as recording an album with Danger Mouse and re-releasing Odelay earlier this year. It just goes to prove the most dangerous place to be in America is between Beck and a music stage.

Time to step aside, Beck. It's just not your time.

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