You’re gonna have to bear with me through this news story, because I’m a little shaken up after grindcore/noise rock legends Daughters just resurfaced from the sublimated depths of my memory for the first time in eight long years — years in which, upon hearing the word “daughters” in the context of music discourse, my brain would have first jumped to the dulcet melodies of prime-era John Mayer, or else still-extant London-based indie troupe Daughter.
But after once again catching a glimpse of the distinctive cover art for 2006 classic Hell Songs and 2010 breakthrough album Daughters, my brain violently hiccuped-up several drowned memories — including that of, in high school, downloading the former record using my precious month’s allocation of eMusic credits (10 credits for a 23-minute album?!), or of watching the press hype-cycle for the latter following the band’s untimely breakup in 2009. Fond recollections, all…
But we’re not here for that bullshit! We’re here because Daughters — classic lineup and all — are BACK and, with the help of Ipecac (a +40 damage upgrade), better than ever!
Firstly, and most importantly: Daughters have a new song on Ipecac called “Satan in the Wait,” which you can listen to below. It tastes…so familiar. Secondly, and also most importantly: Daughters have announced a little five-date mini-tour! Check out those dates below, as well.
And with that, I guess there’s nothing left to do now but repress the mental image of writing this post until the band announces a new album. Can you believe Daughters are back?!
Dates with Daughters:
11.04.18 - Brooklyn, NY - Saint Vitus
11.09.18 - Los Angeles, CA - The Echo
11.10.18 - San Francisco, CA - Bottom of the Hill
11.15.18 - Denver, CO - Larimer Lounge
11.17.18 - Chicago, IL - Beat Kitchen
More about: Daughters