Would ya believe me if I told you me and my ex-wife “parted ways” (her lawyer’s words) over a botched anniversary gift? Well ya better, because it’s the truth, pal. Who’da thought a “fine lady” (also her lawyer’s words) such as herself woulda been “deeply disappointed” (lawyer talk again) and led to question my capacity to “meaningfully engage with other adults” by my thoughtful gift of a handmade sex act coupon book? I really thought I had that shit on lock down.
Anyway, enough about me. Hamburg’s Dekorder has announced that they’re coming up on their 10-year anniversary as a label, and I really couldn’t be more happy for ‘em! I mean, 10 years? That’s the long haul if you ask me. Through sickness and through health, am I right folks? So they don’t end up in a fix like I did with a mess of legal fees hanging over them, they’ve decided to get the anniversary ball rolling. Not only are they going to wine and dine themselves and take themselves out to a nice show, but they’ve also announced a whole slew of special edition picture discs that they’ve gotten for themselves (and for anyone else who’s interested)! In point of fact, they’re hybrid-vinyl picture discs with an image on one side and audio on the other in order to preserve audio quality. But let’s not get bogged down in “facts,” we’re not my ex-wife are we? HA!
Dekorder says they’re planning to produce runs of 300 to 500 copies of each disc, and they have categorically stated that they will never be repressed — it’s more romantic that way, don’t ya know. They’ve released a partial list of confirmed artists, including Leyland Kirby and Sonic Boom of Spacemen 3 (check out the full list below, and visit their website for more artists as they’re announced). Each release will be about 15 to 25 minutes long, and the first one, from Pye Corner Audio, is scheduled to ship some time in the next few days. The remaining nine confirmed releases will come in three sets of three in the coming months, and if you’re so inclined you can reserve all 10 of the already-confirmed discs for €150.00 ($199.60).
Confirmed contributors:
Pye Corner Audio
Bill Kouligas
sonic boom
Leyland Kirby
Black to Comm
Kemialliset Ystävät
Ensemble Economique
Alien Radio
• Dekorder: http://www.dekorder.com
More about: Bil Kouligas, Black to Comm, Ensemble Economique, Excepter, Kemialliset Ystävät, Leyland Kirby, Pye Corner Audio