Calling all (Weltraumishe) kosmische Laüfer! If recent outings by FORMA and Steve Hauschildt haven’t satisfied your cravings for future nostalgia, you’re in luck: Egyptology have descended from whatever celestial bodies they last orbited to offer up a dose of their latest hi-beam krautrock. Cascading through levels of sub-bass and radiating binaural ambience, Sur Les Autres Mondes beckons an otherworldly voyage through the alien and the affective alike, drawing inspiration from a 1937 publication by French astronomer Lucien Rudaux.
If you aren’t hooked by now, I’m sure Elon Musk could convince you Egyptology have been benevolent enough to share a component of their astronomical apparatus, an (inter)stellar opus they call “Wunder Der Schöpfung (Merveilles de la Création)” — or, if you don’t speak pretentious, the “Wonders of Creation.” It’s quite a misty mission through the folds and flickerings of synthy skills and atmosphereless arpeggiation. It’s like Hard Time, but, like, in space. Try to hold your breath now — but without any oxygen around.
Cosmonauts Stéphane Laporte and Olivier Lamm’s latest transmission, Sur Les Autres Mondes, arrives twinkling with its lush analog twiddling on March 23. Find it through the out-of-this-world folks over at Hands in the Dark.
More about: Egyptology