Gang of Four to release Content, the band’s first new material in 16 years; album contains vials of band members’ blood (seriously)

Gang of Four to release Content, the band's first new material in 16 years; album contains vials of band members' blood (seriously)

GOOD NEWS: Gang of Four are releasing a new album entitled Content, which features the group’s first new material in 16 years. According to Gang of Four singer Jon King:

What I’ve been thrilled by over the years is that our music still seems to make sense to our audiences, however old they are, and these days they’re mostly under 30. They tell us that our music means something, that it makes them want to go start a band. That amazes me. I would never have imagined when we started off that we would have this impact after such a long time.

BAD NEWS: Content isn’t coming out until next year (on Yep Roc Records).

BETTER NEWS: The album’s coming out January 25, so it’s actually not that long of a wait.

BEST NEWS: Not only will the album will be available on CD and vinyl, but it’s also being released as an “Ultimate Content Can,” which contains, according to the press release, “the new album on CD, a book version of an art piece Jon and Andy have done on ceramic tiles depicting the last 40 years of world history, a book of lyrics, a book of Rotoscoped photographs of the band’s emotions, phials [vials] of band members’ blood and a scratch and sniff booklet which reflects the key areas of human activity.”

Every album should be released as an “Ultimate Can.”

• Gang of Four:
• Yep Roc:

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