Summer festivals sure have gotten passé, no? It’s 2018, for crying out loud! Who wants to be a Coachfella, a Lollapaloser, or a Bonnarube anymore?! No, you need something underground, something experimental, something downright CANADIAN!
That’s why I’m here to tell you about Atlantic Canada’s hottest get-together of avant-garde music fans happening this year: OBEY Convention XI, taking place May 24–27 in sunny Halifax, Nova Scotia!
If you’ve been keeping up with summer festival news as closely as I think you have, you would already know that OBEY announced the list of headliners for this year’s iteration way back in February, a docket that included experimental greats Pharmakon, NÍDIA, ONO, Sarah Hennies, and Liu Fang, among others.
But are you ahead of the game enough to know that they announced their full lineup this week?! A bill that now features a cavalcade of talent so immense and unprecedented that, despite a complementary color pallette, it’s hard to look at the lineup poster for too long?! A bill that includes artists from the disparate realms of left-field R&B (Un Blonde), oud-based folk (Hussam Al Assaf), and what the OBEY news release refers to as a “queer doom cult” (Vile Creature)?! Didn’t think so!
Of course, now you’re clamoring for more information about this heavenly Halifax happening! Well, the OBEY Convention website has all you need. But lemme just save you some time and direct you toward the ticket purchasing website right away, where this avant-Canadian excursion can be yours for the low, low price of $110 (including fees and taxes!).
Now get packin’! Tell your friends! Arrange a dog-sitter! Obey, OBEY!!