Hospital Productions announces new album by Berlin-based ambient-techno recluse Liziuz, shares track samples

Hospital Productions announces new album by Berlin-based ambient-techno recluse Liziuz, shares track samples
Photo: Becka Diamond

Turn those upside-down frowns upside-down, y’all: the eternally doomy (in an excellent way) Hospital Productions (helmed by lord of doom drone Dominic Fernow) has just announced its latest signing in the form of an isolationist Berlin-based experimental electronic act Liziuz.

Liziuz’s debut album is an ambitious two disc album is called Geschichten des Lebens (i.e. “Stories of Life.” Yep, I know: way cooler in German), and it’s being released on Hospital Productions March 23.

Instead of a series of short compositions, or a single long composition filling two discs, Geschichten des Lebens is the same 50-plus minute song re-interpreted in two different ways: ambient and techno.

More than just a droning intersection of synths, Geschichten des Lebens features complex and evolving production that includes found sounds, field recordings, electro-acoustic instruments, horns, prepared piano and analogue synth drones. The meandering unfolding of the intense production then taken as the sound source for close to an hour of Berlin-meets-Detroit techno on the flip side.

Check out sample tracks down below, and keep at least one browser tab open at all times so you can order it when it’s available. It’s unlikely to trouble your Beyonces in the top 40, but I’m calling it now and am going clear a large space in your heart for this record to sit amongst your favourite albums of 2018.

Geschichten des Lebens

01. Interaction Personnelle (Ambient Version)
02. Transformation Personnelle (Techno Version)

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