Kayo Dot discuss cemetery overpopulation, announce crazy new solution/album Coffins on Io

Kayo Dot discuss cemetery overpopulation, announce crazy new solution/album Coffins on Io

I suppose I could really delve into the lyrics of multifaceted, vaguely progressive metal band Kayo Dot, but given that I’m utterly lacking in the requisite qualifications of a goddamn PhD in philosophy, as well as an insight more comprehensive than just the cultural ramifications of people who disobey the unspoken sidewalk rules (on the right! this is America), I’ll try and limit things somewhat: they’re conceptual. They’re deep. They’re occasionally being yelled at us. The 2013 album Hubardo is almost, musically-speaking, so absurdly complex that it makes you wonder if the words being sent our way have any chance of reaching cohesion. To be honest, I’m sort of afraid to check for fear of diving into inescapable meaning.

But those who are totally into frontman Toby Driver’s perpetually interesting take on music, from the soft to the startlingly intense moments, will be excited to learn about coffins — more specifically, not the fad that was co-opted by humans from the vampire Leslie Nielsen, but Coffins on Io, Kayo Dot’s next studio album, set for release October 16. A word from the D/driver of Kayo himself: “Basically, the vibe we’re going for here is inspired by 80s retro-future noir — Blade Runner. I wanted to make a good record to put on while you drive across the desert at night under a toxic, post-apocalyptic atmosphere… There’s a weird underlying theme of murder, shame, and death.”

In the context of the band’s oeuvre, does anyone have any idea what this entails!? So unpredictable. In other words, so exciting.

Coffins on Io tracklisting:

01. The Mortality of Doves
02. Offramp Cycle, Pattern 22
03. Longtime Disturbance on the Miracle Mile
04. Library Subterranean
05. The Assassination of Adam
06. Spirit Photography

• Kayo Dot: http://www.kayodot.net
• The Flenser: http://theflenser.com

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