Oasis Unfurl a Red Velvet Tapestry Containing Tracklist and Title for New LP Written in Solid Gold Thread; That’s How Fancy, Awesome and British Oasis [Still] Is

Just when you thought you were safe from the near-constant barrage of "Britpop" tagged bands being hurled around the world by these the British Press's comically oversized medieval wooden catapults... here comes Oasis again, and they look as determined as ever to make sure that you NEVER forget who The Beatles were. Okay, so you don't think this is all getting a bit predictable? Let’s run down the checklist, shall we?

Two irascible brothers and competing writing forces in Liam and Noel Gallagher? Check. A heady band that won't let you forget for one damn SECOND that "British Music" is supposed to sound THEIR way, Coldplay and their lite-FM-Radiohead stylings be damned!? Check, again. Oh, music that's huge, spacey, lush, cloyingly melodic, "druggy," just a little bit longer song-per-song than it actually needs to be? Check, check, and double check, ladies and gentlemen. They've got it all down!

And, well, why shouldn't they? After all, the boys who won't let us forget that they speak the Queen’s English are now slated to release their seventh studio album in twice as many years. Aaaaand, let's seeeeee... psych-twinged album title? Uh, check. This newest effort, produced by Dave Sardy (who worked with the band last time out on 2005's Don't Believe the Truth), is titled Dig Out Your Soul and is slated for release October 7 in the United States and October 6 worldwide.

Want more proof of Oasis's "Britishness?" Well, lets see, Dig Out was recorded at Abbey Road... umm, oh, and they're releasing it independently (on their own label, Big Brother Recordings, to be exact) just to keep up with the Joneses (Yorkes, Greenwoods, etc.). So, does all of this mean that you are going to "dig" it? Oh come, now, reader. I think we both know that you've already made up your mind on that one.

Dig Out Your Soul tracklist:

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