If you’re like me, I know you’re wondering if valleys really even have voices. Well, I can tell you right now in this little text box in the Tiny Mix Tapes content management system that they do not. But don’t try to tell that to the organizers of the Voice of the Valley Noise Rally. Nope! No matter how many times you try to get in to their cars at stoplights or visit them during breakfast, they will not listen to you! Whatever, though — what do I know? It’s not like I’m the one organizing a four-day experimental musical running from July 23 through July 26 in Millstone, West Virginia. They are the ones doing that. And so, I don’t know, maybe I could stand to be less arrogant about valleys. It’s a problem I have. I’m working on it.
With the likes of Forma, Mark McGuire, Good Willsmith, Secret Boyfriend, Brett Naucke, Leslie Keffer, Quicksails, and holy crap (!!) a whole lot of others, it kind of seems petty to argue about whether or not valleys really have voices anyway. There will be so much good music happening over the course of this festival that if you roll up and say something like “Yo, are you sure that geographical features have literal voices?” either no one will hear you because of how hard Headboggle is jamming out or you’ll just get laughed at all the way to the porta-potties.
You can grab tickets — $50 pre-sale, $60 at the gate — and see the full lineup on the fest’s website. Peep the fest on Twitter for all the sweet real-time updates you can handle, and RSVP to the event on Facebook so your aunt knows you’re busy that week.
• Voice of the Valley Noise Rally: http://vovnoise.blogspot.com/
More about: FORMA, Good Willsmith, Mark McGuire, Secret Boyfriend