Nobodaddy here, reporting from the trenches, where, for the past two months following my deft and dutiful reporting on The Books’ mastermind Nick Zammuto’s colorfully-titled Zammuto project and the release of its first single, I’ve been waiting outside his house in my 1993 Honda Civic to tease details about whatever release may be forthcoming from the man’s garbage cans. I haven’t showered since the YMCA kicked me out of their bathroom on Christmas Eve, and I’ve been surviving solely on a particularly long English cucumber and one of those “squeezable” bottles of jelly.
But now it’s all worthwhile, because I finally got a lead on the Zammuto album!
Okay, ready? The new Zammuto album is titled… Zammuto!?!? Oh, fine. Thanks, Nick. Oh well. I can at least further report to you that it’s coming out April 3 via Temporary Residence Ltd. But to be honest, I didn’t get too much else from rooting around out here. Not even a tracklisting. Fuck, let’s see: there’s a discarded DVD with a cool little interview on it that I guess I can rip and upload and post for you guys. And here’s some shredded press release scraps that seem to refer to the album as “a deep reinvention,” “progressive and forward-looking,” and “intense and driven”; but since it’s torn up and in the trash, I’m guessing that maybe Nick wasn’t happy with the wording. Besides, come on; we all know that it’s just going to sound like The fucking Books.
2012 Live dates:
02.03.12 - North Adams, MA - Mass Moca
02.04.12 - New York, NY - 92YTribeca
02.06.12 - Allston, MA - Brighton Music Hall
Meanwhile, here’s a stream of an EP called, yes, Zammuto - Idiom Wind EP:
• Zammuto: http://www.zammutosound.com
• Temporary Residence: http://temporaryresidence.com