♫♪  Auscultation - Spiritland

Yelling the word “paradise” is similar to yelling the word “fire” enclosed in massive group of people. People might be stunned at first, but will certainly look purely because of that instinct of heaven. Even if it’s “oh, nothing, really…” people might end up moving just enough so everyone begins to dance. As if there is something other than dance that this Earth could give us to unlock nirvana. The reality of it is Spiritland will never exist within the human dimension. So what’s that next best thing? Auscultation’s latest six slices of bliss.

Weaving melodies and rhythms into a halo of utopia, Spiritland lingers the mind like an island that needs no escape; Auscultation’s patience with sustaining that tempo makes a world of moisture on the brow. Subtle-yet-violent plunges in sound met with a smoothness caressing sharp edges, hazy wafts of synthetics, and metallic tinges glimmering mirages to cones on the half-closed. Auscultation has been there and back. Spiritland is evidence. Move immediately:

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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