♫♪  Black Dice - “In the Flood with the Flood (Father Murphy Remix)”

Italian trio Father Murphy’s 2012 album, Anyway, Your Children Will Deny It, was a towering release of grandiose pop that really transcended any sort of genre lines. It was the kind of album where, in talking about sound, you can only really highlight the scope, and Father Murphy has certainly never been one to release a bunch of pop singles and call it an album.

To add to Father Murphy’s growing legacy, New Jersey’s Aagoo Records is giving Anyway, Your Children Will Deny It the remix treatment. Handing out each of the album’s eight songs to various other noise dwellers such as Black Dice, EMA, and Sic Alps, the album receives a much different “remix” than, say, all of those HEALTH Disco remix albums. In fact, the songs, which are pretty out there to begin with, are pulled further and further outside those genre lines with each remix.

Take this Black Dice treatment, for example. The looming darkness of the original is filtered through those creepy Black Dice bass effects, and the otherwise booming lyrics are reduced to little more than an echo underneath it all. It’s the kind of outsider, undefinable mess that only Black Dice seem to be able to pull off. The result is this chugging, wobbly reconstruction buried just deep enough to allow us to still hear some semblance of that twisted Black Dice pop slashing the Father Murphy original to pieces.

Check it out below and buy the entire remix album, 8 Heretical Views (or the original, for that matter), over at Aagoo Records.

• Black Dice: http://blackdice.net
• Aagoo Records: http://www.aagoo.com
• Father Murphy: http://fathermurphy.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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